Looking to incorporate more techniques into your practice routine?
Download our free eXpanded Warm-Up Exercises!
Welcome to Your Community!
Thank you for visiting the renowned e-learning resource for performers and composers to learn and explore sounds of the contemporary flute, including the extended techniques.
The videos and production tips form the starting point of our resource, but a community of learning and growth is key to the mission of FluteXpansions.
This is also a Community Art Project committed to
collective empowerment...

Are you looking for a quick overview of a specific eXpanded technique?
Click on the Videos tab above to watch and listen to any technique
All basic extended technique videos and explanations on the C-flute are available!
Are you searching for guidance on how to produce a technique?
OR are you curious to hear what they sound like on piccolo, alto or bass flute?
Go deeper by selecting more information or the auxiliary instruments for more explanation and production tips
Looking for a community to talk about sound, exchange ideas and receive inspiration?
You've found it! Be sure to join our mailing list newsletter for info on community events
How can we help you reach your artistic dreams?
Flute Coaching & Events: Workshops and Online Flute Coaching are available! Email us for more info.