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Unlimited Possibility

A Virtual Retreat for

Thriving as a 21st-Century Artist

Interviews, Q&A, & Mini-Clinics

This event has ended. If you would like to sign up for the videos to watch on your own, you may do so below.

Learn from each FX Sonic Immersion faculty in short and fun, inspiration-packed daily sessions.


Discover the variety of possibilities available to you! 


Ine Vanoeveren

May 1



May 5


Jane Rigler

May 2

(c) Andrej Grilc-05500.jpg

Eric Lamb

May 6

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Morgann Davis

May 3

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Hilary Abigana

May 7


Meerenai Shim

May 4

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Melody Chua

May 8


Matthias Ziegler

May 9


Shanna Pranaitis

May 10

During each of the 10 days, we'll be bringing you our deepest insights, biggest secrets, and teaching you something you can use immediately

  • Discover how extended techniques can benefit all aspects of your flute playing, and get some insider secrets

  • Understand how to identify and own your artistic you can bring your unique perspective to all your interpretations

  • Unlock new paths to creativity and experimentation via improvisation and composition...where do you start and how you do you expand your practice

  • Develop even more awareness of your body and mind, and how movement can be integrated into both your flute-playing and keeping you injury-free 

  • Everything you've ever wanted to know about amplifying your flute, and specifically how Matthias Ziegler amplifies his flutes...

  • Gain powerful new tools for learning music faster and how to free yourself from perfectionsim and self-doubt.

  • You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A if you attend live!

And so much more...

Indulge in a retreat of fresh inspiration for Spring!

Space will be limited so be sure to sign up and claim your spot.

Missed the Live sessions?

You can still sign up and watch the replay videos in the archive.

upi register

FluteXpansions has been created  in collaboration with the generous support of the Zurich University of the Arts.


FluteXpansions entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK).

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